Kizito Pakomba Kapinga Pledges Reforms and Confidence Building as New DRC Minister of Mines 1Mining in DRC Mining Personality 

Kizito Pakomba Kapinga Pledges Reforms and Confidence Building as New DRC Minister of Mines

Kizito Pakomba Kapinga, the newly appointed Minister of Mines, officially assumed his duties during a handover ceremony on Wednesday, June 13, 2024, at the Ministry of Mines.

In his inaugural speech, Minister Pakomba Kapinga expressed his honor at taking on this significant role and vowed to continue the efforts initiated by his predecessor, Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi.

“I am honored to assume my responsibilities at the head of this ministry, which is central to the major issues of today and the future.

It is with firmness and determination that I will build on the efforts of the former Minister of Mines to address the important challenges we face,” he declared.

Acknowledging the critical challenges and issues in the sector, particularly related to the energy transition, the new minister promised to restore confidence in the mining industry.

“I will focus on restoring confidence in the DRC’s mining sector, which is crucial for the energy transition. Building trust with industrialists, artisans, and all our partners is essential to promoting the Democratic Republic of Congo as a prime destination for their investments, as outlined in the government’s action program presented to the national assembly recently,” stated Pakomba Kapinga.

Additionally, he emphasized the need to strengthen administrative capacities, intensify geological and mining research, and develop a competitive mining industry with added value.

He urged all ministry executives and agents to work diligently so that the country’s mineral wealth becomes a source of prosperity rather than a tragedy.

Pakomba Kapinga, with his convincing managerial expertise, is committed to upgrading the DRC’s mining sector to ensure that the country’s mineral resources serve the general interest and contribute to sustainable development.


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