Konkola Copper Mines Prepares for Resumed Operations 1Mining in Zambia Copper 

Konkola Copper Mines Prepares for Resumed Operations

Zambia’s Mines Minister, Paul Kabuswe, provided assurance to Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) management, confirming the completion of all necessary documentation with Vedanta Resources to resume mine operations.

Kabuswe emphasized that the only pending aspect is the scheme of operations, currently under legal scrutiny, with all processes finalized by December of the previous year.

Despite the positive outlook, Cornelius Chimbanga, the General Manager of the Konkola Deep Mine Project, highlighted challenges preventing the mine from operating at full capacity. Liquidity issues pose a significant hurdle, impacting the mine’s efficiency.

Hastings Sholande, Mine Manager for Shaft 4, shed light on a critical challenge — the substantial cost associated with pumping out underground water.

Sholande stressed that any disruption could lead to a rapid flooding scenario, with the mine at risk of inundation within a mere 40 minutes.

The combination of Minister Kabuswe’s assurances and the acknowledgment of challenges by KCM’s management underscores the complex landscape the mining operation currently navigates.

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