Lubumbashi Workshop Empowers Magistrates on Security and Human Rights in DRC Mining Sector 1Mining in DRC 

Lubumbashi Workshop Empowers Magistrates on Security and Human Rights in DRC Mining Sector

Civil and military magistrates from the provinces of Haut-Katanga and Lualaba participated in a workshop organized in Lubumbashi on the principles of security and human rights in the extractive sector of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Organized by the NGO Justicia ASBL, the training aimed to create a group of magistrates specialized in issues related to mining in the DRC.

Running from June 10 to 11, 2024, the workshop was part of a capacity-building initiative for senior civil and military magistrates to ensure the application of justice in the extractive sector across the two provinces.

Maître Timothée Mbuya, President of Justicia ASBL, emphasized that human rights violations in the exploitation of mineral resources in the country were a significant concern.

His organization aimed to ensure that Congolese mines benefit local populations. “The biggest objective is to have in the future a group of magistrates specialized in mining issues, environmental issues, and human rights violations on mining sites,” he declared, thanking all involved, particularly the President of the Court of Cassation.

Benoît Petet, representative of the DCAF foundation, a European association, noted the challenges in the mining sector related to environmental questions, mining issues, and human rights violations.

The Netherlands’ ambassador to Kinshasa, Angel Samura, praised Justicia ASBL’s initiative to strengthen the capacities of civil and military magistrates for creating a reliable and environmentally respectful mining system. “It is very important to have a mining framework that operates while respecting human rights and working conditions to improve and increase the economic resources of the Congolese,” she added, emphasizing the crucial role magistrates play in ensuring fair justice for sustainable mining.

The workshop sessions, opened by the President of the Court of Appeal of Lubumbashi, Manda Lupulu, concluded on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Civil and military magistrates expressed satisfaction with the initiative and urged for its continuation in the future.


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