MP Eric Ngalula calls for investigations on a Chinese company mining in Kasai 1Diamond Mining in DRC 

MP Eric Ngalula calls for investigations on a Chinese company mining in Kasai

National MP Eric Ngalula is calling for the audit of the shares of the Chinese company Anhui Foreign Economic Construction (AFECC), which is involved in diamond mining in Kasai. In a letter to Prime Minister Sylvestre Ilunga Ilunkamba on Monday (April 27th), he accused the company of failing to achieve the socio-economic projects it had set out in the agreement reached in March 2013 with the Congolese state.
According to him, AFECC had committed to carry out certain infrastructure construction projects, including hydroelectric power plants, in return for the exploitation of the Tshibwe diamond deposit in the Miabi territory. 

“In return for the rights granted to it, the Chinese company AFECC, had committed in a precise timeline, in a precise timeline, to revitalize the mining activities of Sacim-sarl and to finance several national, provincial and local projects, namely: the Movo and Tubi Tubidi hydroelectric plants, bitumer the road linking the Tubi Tubidi power plant to the city of Mbujii-Mayi , develop agribusiness in the province of Kasai-Oriental (…) It is important to draw your attention to the fact that the funds allocated are to be repaid on the profits earned from the sale of diamonds released from land by sacim-sarl. There is no doubt that the Republic has engaged in a loan operation against the Chinese side,” Lupatata’s elected official told The Eastern Kasai.

AFECC is a Chinese company to which the Congolese State opened its capital for the creation, in 2013, of a mining company called the Anhuit Congo Mining Investment Company (SACIM-SARL), for the exploitation of the Tshibwe diamond deposit. MP Eric Ngalula fears that the agreement will not benefit the Congolese state. Letting AFECC do so will be to repeat the mistakes that prevailed in the revision of the mining code in 2018, denounces the MP.

“With the motivations behind the revision of the mining code in 2018, by repeating the same mistakes, we risk experiencing the setbacks before the reform. Any entity facing a danger that threatens its existence or development must impose a period of reassessment of its action in order to reframe its mandatory approach to achieving the objectives. I herebly call for a general, regular and credible audit of the agreement between the Congolese state and its partner AFECC and, of course, of the Sacim-sarl its appendix,” wrote MP for New Year’s Eve Ilunga Ilunkamba.

This is not the first step taken by MP Eric Ngalula to demand more light in the management of the AFECC. Not long ago, he had referred the case to the Court of Cassation to denounce, among other things, the massive tax fraud, the mistreatment of Congolese by the Chinese of SACIM-SARL. In fact, MP Eric Ngalula recently asked the office of the National Assembly to set up a commission of inquiry into the management of this company, of which the Congolese state has a large share.
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