Mwembeshi Resources Invests $50M to Revive Kangaluwi Mine in Lower Zambezi 1Mining in Zambia Copper New Mining Projects 

Mwembeshi Resources Invests $50M to Revive Kangaluwi Mine in Lower Zambezi

Mwembeshi Resources Limited, a subsidiary of Zambezi Resources, has reported significant progress in its efforts to resume full-scale copper production at the Kangaluwi mine in the lower Zambezi National Park area.

The company has invested over USD $50 million in various development activities, including the construction of the mining site road, power line connections, mineral explorations, and equipment procurement.

In an interview with ZBT, Oliver Shalala, spokesperson for Mwembeshi Resources, highlighted that the substantial investment has been allocated to meet necessary requirements for the mine’s operations.

These include ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, such as restoring degraded areas within the national park, as mandated by the Environmental Management Act.

Shalala mentioned that the company has submitted a comprehensive site environmental restoration plan to the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) outlining the steps needed to restore the affected areas to their original condition.

The ZEMA-ordered suspension of all mining operations in the Lower Zambezi National Park was based on non-compliance with established conditions.

Mwembeshi Resources promptly responded to the compliance order by submitting the restoration plan before the deadline of June 6th, 2023. Shalala confirmed that ZEMA acknowledged the submission and the company now awaits their review and decision.

When asked about the impact of the suspension on the mine’s development, Shalala expressed understanding and support for the government’s decision. He emphasized that the suspension is an integral part of the process, allowing government authorities to monitor and ensure compliance.

Shalala further explained that any slowdown or halt during this phase is expected, and the company remains committed to operating within the confines of the law.

Mwembeshi Resources aims to mine sustainably and intends to resume operations as soon as the compliance order is lifted. Shalala assured that the company is fully prepared to meet its obligations and anticipates a favorable outcome from ZEMA’s review.

Shalala also addressed concerns raised by opponents of the copper mine’s development, suggesting that some lodge owners and stakeholders in the lower Zambezi area may be influencing opposition through financial incentives.

He emphasized that Mwembeshi Resources is dedicated to responsible mining practices and accused those opposing the project of hindering essential infrastructure development in the region.

With plans to invest $494 million in the Kangaluwi copper mine, Mwembeshi Resources aims to promote economic growth and create opportunities while considering environmental preservation.

Despite opposition from environmentalists and some lodge owners, the company remains optimistic about proceeding with mining activities once the ZEMA compliance order is lifted.



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