Namibia Seeks Chinese Investment to Enhance Uranium Sector and Clean Energy Efforts 1International Uranium 

Namibia Seeks Chinese Investment to Enhance Uranium Sector and Clean Energy Efforts

Namibia, one of the world’s largest uranium producers, is actively seeking investment from China in nuclear power to strengthen its role in the global transition to clean energy.

“We aim to add value to our uranium for the peaceful development of nuclear energy,” said President Nangolo Mbumba during a meeting on Monday with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is on a week-long tour of Africa.

Yi’s visit underscores China’s efforts to expand its influence in Africa, aiming to outpace the United States by offering better trade deals, more investment opportunities, and military training. The visit also follows last year’s Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

In September, the China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN) teamed up with NamWater to establish a $3 billion Namibian dollar desalination plant. This project will supply water to uranium mines and surrounding areas.

Chinese companies already hold stakes in Namibia’s Husab and Rossing mines, which are among the world’s second and sixth largest uranium mines, respectively. Additionally, Chinese firms have invested in Namibia’s gold mining sector.

Namibia is also looking to broaden its collaboration with China in emerging technologies, such as smart cities, 5G, and digital platforms aimed at improving urban security, crime prevention, and traffic management.

Furthermore, Namibia hopes to tap into China’s expanding outbound tourism market and is seeking investment to upgrade and construct a new international airport.


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