Ndola Launches 105MW Electricity Production to Address Zambia’s Power Deficit 1Mining in Zambia Electricity 

Ndola Launches 105MW Electricity Production to Address Zambia’s Power Deficit

Ndola, an energy company, has commenced production of 105MW of electricity to help alleviate Zambia’s power deficit. This initiative is part of a series of short- and long-term strategies announced by the government to tackle the challenges of the electricity shortage.

During the official launch of the plant’s production, Energy Minister Peter Kapala encouraged private sector investment in the energy sector.

He stated, “Independent power producers, also known as IPPs, are welcome to invest in the energy sector. The government has created a conducive environment for private sector participation. The time to invest is now.”

Brian Mushimba, CEO of Ndola, announced that the company plans to invest in an additional 200MW at a solar plant. This investment aims to reduce generation costs at Ndola, enabling the company to supply more power at affordable prices.

Copperbelt Minister Elisha Matambo urged local support for the government’s initiatives. “I appeal to the people of the Copperbelt to continue supporting this President.

We will emerge stronger from this drought. With the development of solar plants, we will have power even if there is no rain in the future,” he said.


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