Pay Network will open a branch in Kolwezi this year
Thank you for this opportunity, could you tell us more about your business and the work done in the mining industry?

Pay Network, created in February 2007, is the result of more than 10 years of experience in human resources management in the
DRC. In February 2019, Pay Network became the official representative of the Democratic Republic of Congo of Mercer Africa, a subsidiary of Marsh and Mc Lennan Companies, a world leader in human resources, health and wellness, retirement and investment consulting. Share a common vision: to act today to improve our quality of life in the future.
The services we offer are: payroll management, recruitment, talent management, remuneration policy, human capital subcontracting, HR functional excellence, communication, levy management (taxes, social security, etc.), we take care of administrative procedures related to employment and ensure compliance with the right to work in the DRC.
What do you think are the most important recent developments for the mining sector and the community?
In our view, the highlights of the mining sector in the DRC are:
- The collapse of the cost of cobalt on the market, by more than 55% of its value, due to several reasons (about 30K USD), among others, the use of child labour in artisanal mines, governance, and environmental problems. Despite being a strategic raw material in the 21st century, consumers are looking for derivatives that can replace cobalt. It will, therefore, be up to the Congolese government to put in place a strong strategy.
- The increase in mining royalties as a result of the revision of the mining code in 2018
- The growing and persistent insecurity in some provinces, specifically South Kivu and Maniema
- Political instability
- The law on subcontracting that favours Congolese shareholding
These points, most of which depend on the Congolese government, must be strategically managed a win-win partnership in the sector.
What is Pay Network most proud of to date in terms of what you have achieved for the sector in the DRC?
Pay Network is proud to offer the sector expertise and dedicated solutions in all areas of human resource management, through the provision of quality human capital, a source of development and new information and communication technologies.
And what opportunities are you most interested in in the mining sector in the DRC?
The outsourcing of human capital.
How important is the involvement of the local community and skills development for the sustainability of mining operations?
We will say: sustainability.
The sustainability of mining operations is important because it improves social conditions (eradication of poverty, job creation, infrastructure construction, etc.) that will be done by and for community
members. Thus, the development of skills will allow these operations to produce and generate revenue, resulting in business growth, and so on. It’s a vicious circle.
What is your vision for the sector?
A stable sector where all stakeholders (investors, local community and government) would win. An equitable redistribution of income from this sector.
By 2020, what do you have on your calendar that you can share with us?
With the opening of a branch planned for this year in Kolwezi, we plan to be more present in the area.
What surprises or delights you most in this sector?
It is a very successful sector.
What message would you like to convey to current and future mining investors in the DRC?
We encourage you to come and invest more in the sector. That the investors present and to come work for the real development of the surrounding local communities.
DRC Mining Week celebrated its 15th-anniversary last year, what was PayNetwork’s experience at the event?
DRC Mining Week 2019 was Pay Network’s first experience, despite our late decision to participate. Much appreciated for its networking side and visibility, we decided to renew the experience in 2020 and why not for years to come hoping to capitalize. This time, we did it several months in advance.
For this year’s event, you’re back as a gold sponsor – what will your message be?
Our message will be: Pay Network has met your expectations by opening its offices in the province. With proven experience across Africa and Europe, Pay Network is ready to support you, as an HR partner, in achieving your goals.