Plenary Session of the DRC National Assembly approves in particular the dismissal of the SNEL, MD 1Governance Electricity Mining in DRC 

Plenary Session of the DRC National Assembly approves in particular the dismissal of the SNEL, MD

The plenary session discussed the recommendations of Deputy Prosper Bukasa, who had questioned the General Manager of SNEL (National Electricity Company).

By a show of hands, the plenary decided to approve three out of four recommendations, including the revocation of the SNEL GM for “incompetence and lack of clear vision in the management of the company.”

However, the plenary opposed the recommendation regarding the reinstatement of “unjustly dismissed” directors, according to Prosper Bukasa.

The plenary relied on the explanations of the SNEL GM, who explained that they were on leave and that for those who were in his predecessor’s office, he decided to reduce the staff.

The interpellator’s recommendations are:

  • That the government develop a plan to restructure SNEL;
  • That the government pay all debts owed to SNEL;
  • That all directors dismissed without respect for the law be reinstated without delay;
  • That the Assembly opt for the revocation of the SNEL GM within 48 hours.

According to Article 198, paragraph 2 of the internal regulations of the National Assembly, the bureau will transmit these approved recommendations to the competent authorities.


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