President Félix Tshisekedi visits the Jwaneng Diamond Mine in Botswana 1Mining in DRC 

President Félix Tshisekedi visits the Jwaneng Diamond Mine in Botswana

Small in size, Botswana is a major mining country, the world’s leading diamond producer in value and volume ahead of Russia.

With a GDP of 7000 usd per capita, Botswana owes its prosperity to the organization of the diamond sector, a reference economic model in Africa.

It is with the aim of understanding the economic model of the country of Kethumile Masire and of soaking up the means of production of the precious stone in order to reorganize the diamond sector of the DRC that the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, has made the trip this Thursday 11th may to the Jwaneng mine, 150 km from Gaborones.

Warmly welcomed by the management team of Debswana, the public company created in partnership with De Beers, President Tshisekedi and his delegation received all the information on the chain of extraction, processing and export of diamonds as well as the impact dividends from this strategic product for its 2.3 million inhabitants.

It was explained to the president of the republic that in 1966, Botswana had only 640,000 inhabitants and 120 km of road; its economy was supported by revenue from the sale of beef.

Since the exclusive exploitation of the diamond by Debswana and its importation with the local added value, Botswana prospers with the sale of its diamond which brings back 80% of the receipts to its economy.

With a GDP of 7000 usd per capita today, Botswana prances at the top of the African countries which grant investment credits to its population.

The quality of the product, the organization of the sector, the seriousness and the involvement of the State are the main secrets of success.

After all these explanations, the President of the Republic descended into the Jwaneng open pit mine.

Reputed to be the richest in diamonds and the most secure in the world, the Jwaneng mine nicknamed “Prince of mines” has produced in 53 years of operation only half of its wealth.

It will take another half century to empty the precious stones buried under the rock. Diamond dividends are redistributed in the sectors of health, housing, road infrastructure, agri-food, etc.

The President of the Republic Félix Tshisekedi appreciated the latest generation technology used on the production line.

This Wednesday 10th may, the Congolese Head of State had already been to the special economic zone dedicated to diamonds.

At Debswana, a public company with the exclusivity of the value chain, President Tshisekedi visited and received explanations on the process in accordance with the Kimberley process. The digitization of each stone guarantees its traceability.

In the offices of Okavango Diamond Company, another State company specializing in the sale of diamonds, President Félix Tshisekedi was sufficiently enlightened on the role of the State in defining the sector’s development strategy and in the collects information about the international stock market.

Ultimately, in Botswana, the soil and subsoil resources belong to the state.

As soon as he returned from this visit, the President of the Republic Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo participated, alongside his counterpart from Botswana, in the economic forum which brought together Congolese entrepreneurs and their counterparts from Botswana.

The Gaborones business forum was marked by the signing of a partnership between the Botswana investment and trade center and the national agency for the promotion of investments in the DRC (ANAPI). 

The two structures signed this Thursday, May 11, 2023 a memorandum of understanding in the presence of the two heads of state. 

The signatories undertake through this partnership to create a framework of collaboration in order to contribute to the reciprocal promotion of investments between the two countries. 

In his speech for the occasion, the Congolese Head of State, as a luminary, indicated that his visit to Botswana is part of the new dynamic of intensification of relations at all levels, because he continued, the two countries have considerable assets to build strong, prosperous and robust economies. 

Aware that a favorable business climate is essential to stimulate economic growth, encourage investment, create jobs and improve the standard of living of the populations, Félix Tshisekedi says he has decided to create optimal conditions for the development of his country, and thus invites Botswanan economic operators to come and invest massively in the DRC and to forge mutually beneficial partnerships. 

Almost similar appeal launched by the President of Botswana. Mokgweetsi Éric argued that the DRC is an ideal investment destination. 

He therefore mentioned cooperation in the mining and transport sector between the two States. 

Anapi, secular arm of the government of the DRC, co-organizer of these meetings, through the voice of its director general, intends by this memorandum of understanding to encourage the protection and promotion of investments by both parties and to encourage the missions economy between the two countries.


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