President Hichilema Inaugurates the 24th Annual General Meeting of the African Trade Insurance Agency 1Mining in Zambia Economy Events & Expos 

President Hichilema Inaugurates the 24th Annual General Meeting of the African Trade Insurance Agency

President Hakainde Hichilema inaugurated the 24th Annual General Meeting of the African Trade Insurance Agency (ATIDI) in Livingstone on June 26.

During the event, President Hichilema highlighted ATIDI’s mission to become a premier pan-African risk mitigation institution, aiming to transform Africa into a prime location for trade and investment. He emphasized the importance of regional cooperation and integration to alter Africa’s economic trajectory.

President Hichilema, who previously served as the Chairperson of the ATIDI Board, underscored the organization’s commitment to fostering economic sustainability across the continent.

This vision was echoed by Yohannes, the current Chairperson of the ATIDI Board, who reiterated the institution’s dedication to advancing economic sustainability throughout Africa.

ATIDI’s mission focuses on developing support for insurance in Africa, including coinsurance, reinsurance, guarantees, and other financial instruments and services to promote trade and investment in collaboration with the private sector.

Currently, ATIDI insures trades and investments worth over $8 billion. Manuel Moses, ATIDI’s CEO, revealed that the agency’s investment portfolio in Zambia is valued at approximately $1.2 billion.


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