President Hichilema Strengthens Ties with Norway 1Mining in Zambia Economy Energy Governance 

President Hichilema Strengthens Ties with Norway

President Hakainde Hichilema of Zambia recently held a bilateral meeting with Ms. Anne Beathe Kristiansen Tvinnereim, Minister of International Development of Norway, during the Africa Fertiliser and Soil Health Summit. 

The meeting focused on deepening cooperation between Zambia and Norway for mutual socio-economic benefits.

President Hichilema emphasized Zambia’s desire to enhance collaboration in areas that promote socio-economic development, resilience building, and business partnerships. 

He highlighted the need to address climate change impacts and create an investment-friendly environment in the agriculture sector.

Ms. Tvinnereim praised President Hichilema’s approach to climate change and resilience building, pledging Norway’s support in climate adaptation, renewable energy, and private sector development. 

She expressed Norway’s readiness to help Zambia access climate financing, such as the Loss and Damage Fund, to combat extreme weather events. 

Additionally, Norway plans to support Zambian small-scale farmers through Norfund and strengthen Zambia’s mining sector with expertise from Norway’s oil and gas management.


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