President Tshisekedi Chairs Inaugural Council of Ministers Meeting for Suminwa Govt 1Mining in DRC Governance 

President Tshisekedi Chairs Inaugural Council of Ministers Meeting for Suminwa Govt

On Friday, President Felix Tshisekedi chaired the first meeting of the Council of Ministers for the newly inaugurated Judith Suminwa Government at the African Union City.

This meeting, held three days after the government’s inauguration by the National Assembly on June 12, served as an initial contact between the President and the members of the new administration.

During the Council of Ministers, President Tshisekedi delivered an orientation speech to the new members of the National Executive.

He congratulated each member and highlighted the significant challenges ahead, emphasizing the necessity for tangible results.

Prime Minister Judith Suminwa addressed the press after the meeting, summarizing the discussions. “This was an opportunity for us to renew our thanks to the Head of State for the trust placed in us by appointing us and to present the entire government team to His Excellency the President of the Republic,” she stated.

Regarding the received guidelines, she added, “The Head of State provided several instructions, reminding all government members, especially the newcomers, about the proper conduct of governance. We are at the service of the country, and the work must begin because the country and the people are waiting.”

At the start of the Council of Ministers, government members presented gifts to President Tshisekedi in celebration of his 61st birthday, which was on Thursday, June 13.

The meeting concluded with the Head of State and all government members posing for the traditional family photo.


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