Renegotiation of Sino-Congolese mining contracts: the arguments of the Chinese ambassador, Zhu Jing 1Mining in DRC Mining Companies 

Renegotiation of Sino-Congolese mining contracts: the arguments of the Chinese ambassador, Zhu Jing

Chinese Ambassador to the DRC Zhu Jing addressed the issue of Sino-Congolese mining contracts during an interview held Thursday, September 30, with journalists at his residence in Kinshasa. 

According to the Chinese diplomat, the DRC is the main beneficiary of the Sino-Congolese contracts. He indicated that during the first seven months of the year 2021, the DRC earned 4.7 billion USD out of the 7.9 billion USD made in Sino-Congolese trade.

“During the first 7 months of 2021, trade between China and the DRC reached USD 7.9 billion. This represents an annual increase of 97% compared to the same period in 2020. In the USD 7.9 billion , the DRC won 4.7 billion USD. That is to say that the DRC has a large surplus in trade with China, ”revealed the Chinese ambassador. 

He estimated that with “China, the DRC no longer has only mines but also production and processing chains provided by Chinese companies”.

For the Chinese diplomat, the Sino-Congolese partnership has contributed to the positioning of the DRC in the concert of nations as a major mining power.

“The DRC is the big winner of this partnership. First, the Sino-Congolese contracts were carried out entirely with the money of Chinese companies with SICOMINES at the head which takes care of the financing. These companies are running into debt with Chinese banks and invest in the DRC The Congolese state without investing a single dollar benefits from a modern mining industry. This makes the DRC a major global mining power. The Sino-Congolese contract allows the DRC to ‘access the world’s largest market without going through intermediaries,’ explains Zhu Jing.

Renegotiation of Sino-Congolese mining contracts

The issue of renegotiating and evaluating Sino-Congolese mining contracts has already been raised by the government. 

Indeed, Ambassador ZHU Jing denounces the interference of the United States and does not exclude the possibility, if necessary, of the renegotiation of certain Sino-Congolese contracts in strict compliance with the laws.

“The contracts signed between China and the DRC have nothing to do with the Americans. The Sino-Congolese partnership cannot be dictated by other states. When you sign the agreements, you have to respect them. not to say that the agreements will remain frozen. If we find something to improve, of course, we can always serve to discuss objectively, calmly and amicably. If the Congolese State and Chinese companies agree to modify some clauses or elements in their agreements in order to improve the efficiency and visibility of its partnerships, that does not hinder at all. But on condition that these discussions take place in a friendly and fair manner. We must ensure that the legitimate rights of each parties are respected, “he says.

Sino-Congolese contracts and red ball fire

The Chinese diplomat also hinted that a demonization campaign would be waged against the Sino-Congolese partnership.

“China is the victim of a demonization campaign. There are several media speculations and unfounded elements that discredit the Sino-Congolese partnership. Things that do not correspond to reality. The objective of this demonization campaign is to destroy the Sino-Congolese partnership of which the DRC is the big winner, “he denounced.

Note that the Head of State Félix Tshisekedi is keen to assess the Sino-Congolese mining contracts signed under his predecessor, Joseph Kabila.


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