PDG Gecamines LukondeMining in DRC Mining Personality 

Sama Lukonde the DG of Gécamines visits facilities in Kambove and Likasi | DRC

Dressed in work khaki and wearing a helmet, engineer Sama Lukonde Kyenge, General Manager (Director General-DG) of Gécamines visited the mines and factories in Kambove and Likasi on Friday, July 17, 2020.  

Accompanied by the Deputy Director General, engineer Ntambwe Ngoie, the visit began with the presentation of civilities to the Mayor of Likasi.

Upon arrival in the city of Kambove, the delegation visited the Kamfundwa open pit mine. The mine is in full operation. Then it was the turn of the gravity concentrator located on the same site.

Under the explanations of the director of the Business Unit of Shituru, the director of projects and that of geology, the new Directorate of Gécamines has got the idea of how this sector works.

Returning to Likasi, the visit continued in the open pit mine and laundromat in Kamatanda. Then it was the turn of Panda’s Heap leaching.

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A chemical engineer by training, DG Sama Lukonde wanted to visit the EMT laboratory. He received explanations of the operation and complaints made by the staff.

The factories in Shituru were the fall of the first day of the visit. The DG and his DGA went to the solvent extraction unit and then to the electrolysis room.

After all the explanations, the two gécamines executives wanted to send a word of encouragement to the agents to encourage them to work and improve production, a guarantee of success and guarantee for the future.

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