Signing ceremony: the allocation of 0.3% of the turnover of mining companies for the benefit of local communities. 1Mining in DRC Mining Projects 

Signing ceremony: the allocation of 0.3% of the turnover of mining companies for the benefit of local communities.

The great satisfaction of two ministers for the day’s event was to finally see local communities impacted by mining projects benefit from substantial financial benefits for their development.

A salutary measure which thus puts an end to the paradox “DRC-very rich country with a very poor population”.

The endowment of 0.3% for the benefit of local communities will generate significant financial resources that require orthodox management under the supervision of a specialized body with legal personality.

For better monitoring and evaluation of this management, a procedure manual is planned, which is a reference instrument to serve as guidelines for all stakeholders for the rational management of this allocation.

Here is the culmination of this long process that had to be followed in order to set up a solid structure that meets the standards and principles of transparency and governance.


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