Signing of a joint decree granting 0.3% turnover of 12 mining companies, for the benefit of community development projects- DRC 1Mining in DRC Mining Companies 

Signing of a joint decree granting 0.3% turnover of 12 mining companies, for the benefit of community development projects- DRC

With a view to contributing to development projects in the mining sector, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’samba Kalambayi, and the Minister of Social Affairs, Modeste Mutinga, signed last Friday in Kinshasa an interministerial decree approving the procedure for managing the endowment of 0.3% of turnover. This is revealed in a press release from the Ministry of Mines. 

The boss of the Mines of the DRC, indicated that 12 mining projects are retained a priori for the benefit of the communities not only bordering but also bruised worthy of this surge of national solidarity contained in the national anthem.

In addition, she specified that the mining companies concerned by this first wave of specialized organizations are invited to communicate as soon as possible the amounts and their turnover from 2018 to 2021, in order to allow the services involved to calculate the amounts. respective endowment.

In turn, the Minister of Social Affairs, Modeste Mutinga, reassured that by June 15 of the current year, the two ministers will tour the various provinces of the country: namely, Kasai, Haut-Katanga and Lualaba to enforce all the measures taken.

Ms. N’samba recalled that this endowment of 0.3% of turnover is an initiative of the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, so that the fallout from mining operations can be beneficial to the Congolese population.

With a view to contributing to development projects in the mining sector, the Minister of Mines, Antoinette N’samba Kalambayi, and the Minister of Social Affairs, Modeste Mutinga, signed last Friday in Kinshasa an interministerial decree approving the procedure for managing the endowment of 0.3% of turnover. This is revealed in a press release from the Ministry of Mines. 

The boss of the Mines of the DRC, indicated that 12 mining projects are retained a priori for the benefit of the communities not only bordering but also bruised worthy of this surge of national solidarity contained in the national anthem.

In addition, she specified that the mining companies concerned by this first wave of specialized organizations are invited to communicate as soon as possible the amounts and their turnover from 2018 to 2021, in order to allow the services involved to calculate the amounts. respective endowment.

In turn, the Minister of Social Affairs, Modeste Mutinga, reassured that by June 15 of the current year, the two ministers will tour the various provinces of the country: namely, Kasai, Haut-Katanga and Lualaba to enforce all the measures taken.

Ms. N’samba recalled that this endowment of 0.3% of turnover is an initiative of the President of the Republic, Félix Tshisekedi, so that the fallout from mining operations can be beneficial to the Congolese population.


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  1. […] Signing of a Joint Decree Granting 0.3% Turnover of 12 Mining Companies, for The Benefit of Communit… […]

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