Team Europe Promoted EU-DRC Strategic Partnership at DRC Mining Week 2024 1Mining in DRC Events & Expos 

Team Europe Promoted EU-DRC Strategic Partnership at DRC Mining Week 2024

Team Europe participated in the DRC Mining Week in Lubumbashi from June 12 to 14, 2024, marking a significant step in promoting European investment and advancing the EU-DRC strategic partnership on critical and strategic raw materials value chains.

The European delegation included ambassadors from the EU, Belgium, Italy, and Sweden, along with the head of the regional representation for Central Africa of the European Investment Bank (EIB).

Around forty European companies were present to showcase their expertise and understand the business context in the DRC.

For the EU, the DRC Mining Week provided a key opportunity to engage with economic operators and Congolese authorities regarding the operationalization of the strategic partnership signed in Brussels in October 2023.

“Since the signing of the memorandum of understanding, we have been developing a roadmap including cooperation and investment projects to create a local value chain and increase direct sourcing opportunities in the DRC for European industry.

With the new government in place, we are confident that this roadmap will soon be discussed and validated,” declared Nicolas Berlanga, EU ambassador to the DRC.

European representatives participated in panels on energy, the investment climate, and the development of national and regional infrastructure.

A high-level technical workshop organized by the EU focused on the theme: “Unlocking Potential: Engagement of the Private Sector and European Investments in the EU-DRC Partnership on Sustainable Value Chains of Critical and Strategic Raw Materials.”

This workshop highlighted efforts to support private sector engagement, addressing challenges and opportunities to ensure project sustainability and responsible business conduct.

The EU-DRC strategic partnership was part of the “Global Gateway” strategy, central to supporting partnership actions with the DRC and Zambia.

The MoUs established close cooperation in several areas: integrating sustainable value chains for raw materials, mobilizing funds for infrastructure development, promoting sustainable and responsible production, fostering cooperation on research and innovation, and enhancing capacity to enforce relevant regulations.


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