Tenke Fungurume Mining Achieves Copper Mark Certification 1Mining in DRC Cobalt Copper 

Tenke Fungurume Mining Achieves Copper Mark Certification

Tenke Fungurume Mining SA (TFM) of CMOC Group Ltd. (CMOC), a prominent copper and cobalt mine in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), has officially achieved Copper Mark certification for its responsible production practices. This milestone makes TFM the first mine in Africa to receive this prestigious certification.

The Copper Mark is based on assessments by independent third parties to ensure that mines and smelters meet rigorous standards for responsible production.

Launched in 2020, it addresses growing international demands for responsible sourcing and promotes best practices across the value chains of copper, molybdenum, nickel, and zinc. The certification covers key environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

Copper producers with Copper Mark certification automatically comply with the London Metal Exchange’s (LME) three responsible sourcing requirements: Responsible Sourcing Management Systems, environmental standards, and health and safety at work.

The validation process for the Copper Mark involved evaluating 32 different Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) criteria, developed jointly by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and Copper Mark.

These criteria encompass legal compliance, labor relations, environmental management, greenhouse gas emissions, water management, mine closure and reclamation, community development, grievance mechanisms, stakeholder communication, and due diligence in mineral supply chains.

To validate the effectiveness of TFM’s management system, the audit included anonymous interviews with 447 employees and contractors, as well as 56 external stakeholders, including community members, NGOs, and government officials.

Liang Wei, vice president of ESG at CMOC, highlighted that the Copper Mark is a voluntary program. TFM began preparations in 2022 and officially launched the validation process in 2023.

By early 2024, TFM had been independently assessed by an international audit team accredited by Copper Mark. “Copper Mark certification underscores CMOC’s commitment to high ESG standards and continuous improvement.

It demonstrates responsible production to all stakeholders and enhances product recognition on stock markets such as the LME, potentially leading to premiums,” said Liang Wei.

Sun Ruiwen, president of CMOC, expressed his satisfaction, stating, “In recent years, CMOC has become a leading copper producer and the largest cobalt producer in the world.

While increasing production, we remained committed to providing high-quality, responsible products essential to the global energy transition.

We are very pleased that TFM is the first mine in Africa to receive Copper Mark certification. This prestigious recognition underscores our commitment to sustainable development, benefiting our customers and the public.”

TFM is currently the world’s fifth-largest copper mine and the second-largest cobalt mine, with an annual capacity of 450,000 tonnes of copper. CMOC plans to increase its copper production by 150,000 tonnes in 2024, marking the largest increase in the industry this year.

This achievement sets a new standard for responsible mining in Africa and reflects the global emphasis on ESG and sustainable development.

Obtaining the Copper Mark also encourages TFM to create jobs, increase investment, and generate greater economic and social value in the DRC.

As of the end of 2023, out of more than 70 mines and smelters participating in the certification process, 56 sites had obtained Copper Mark certification, representing 30% of global copper production.


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