Tenke Fungurume Mining Celebrates Copper Mark Certification 1Mining in DRC Copper Environment Social Governance (ESG) 

Tenke Fungurume Mining Celebrates Copper Mark Certification

The Copper Mark is a prestigious certification awarded to mining companies that undergo a rigorous audit of their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

To date, only 52 mining operations worldwide have received this mark of distinction, with Tenke Fungurume Mining (TFM) being the first mine in Africa to achieve this certification.

The celebration of this significant accomplishment took place on July 31, commemorating the international recognition obtained on June 12.

The event was hosted at TFM’s facilities, with CEO Wang Hanyuan, PCA Wang Quan, and CEO John Woto attending to honor this milestone.

Key directors from various departments who played essential roles during the audit were also present to celebrate the achievement.

This certification, a first for the mining industry in Africa, is a testament to the dedicated efforts of TFM teams over several years under the guidance of Julie Liang, ESG Vice President of CMOC, TFM’s parent company.

As the sponsor of the certification efforts, Julie Liang joined the celebration online, expressing her gratitude for the dedication of all TFM employees.

She acknowledged the challenges faced, stating, “It was hard to believe that we would succeed.” However, with unwavering commitment, she noted that TFM was able to “defy the impossible” and reach the finish line. Liang also emphasized the importance of the upcoming audit and the need for corrective measures moving forward.

The evening featured speeches from business leaders detailing TFM’s journey to obtaining the Copper Mark and the requirements involved.

CEO Wang highlighted the milestones achieved in 2023 within the company’s ESG efforts. “We became the first mine in Africa to commit to all Copper Mark standards,” he stated, urging that ESG should serve as the company’s “business card and firewall,” reflecting CMOC’s vision of becoming a respected, modern, and world-class resources company.

PCA Wang Quan provided an educational overview of the certification process, explaining that the Copper Mark, launched in 2020, addresses the growing demand for responsible sourcing and production practices globally.

He outlined the certification requirements, which encompass critical ESG issues, including legal compliance, labor relations, environmental management, community development, grievance mechanisms, and stakeholder engagement throughout the entire production process of copper and cobalt.

In closing, PCA Wang expressed his hopes for the future: “I hope that in the future, TFM and our partners will continue to implement the CMOC group’s vision of responsible mining for a better world.”

DGA John Woto emphasized that the Copper Mark certification represents “global recognition of our commitment to CSR,” highlighting it as a symbol of TFM’s dedication to environmental, social, and governance responsibilities.

He further stated that this certification validates the company’s efforts toward sustainable transparency and responsible resource management.

The celebration included entertainment activities, including a raffle and a quiz session focused on the Copper Mark’s requirements. The ceremony concluded with a group photo, capturing the moment as attendees joyfully chanted, “The Copper Mark.”


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