The DRC exported 1.587 million tonnes of copper in 2020, a record 1Mining in DRC Copper 

The DRC exported 1.587 million tonnes of copper in 2020, a record

The mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo exported, according to provisional statistics at the end of December 2020, a volume of 1 million 587,459.35 tonnes of copper against 1 million 420 386 tonnes of copper in 2019 , an increase in production annual rate of 11.7%, according to data from the Ministry of Mines.

Since January 2021, the DRC has exported an average per week that varies between 22,000 and 34,000 tonnes for copper in cathode form, according to the same source.

With these exports recorded in Haut-Katanga and Lualaba, the mining services record mining royalties recorded and liquidated between 13,000,000 and 17,000,000 USD per week, indicates the Ministry of Mines.

It is appropriate to indicate that since January 2021, the prices of metals know an increase which took copper from 7,795 USD / tonne in the first week of January 2021 to around 9,600 USD / tonne on Friday February 26, 2021

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