DRC Mining CodeMining in DRC Mining tax Taxes 

The Mining Cadastre presents the “Revised and Annotated Mining Code of the DRC”

On Tuesday, July 14, the mining land registry presented a book entitled “The revised and annotated mining code of the DRC” to further popularize the code with investors. The book was published under the direction of The Minister of Mines, Willy Kitobo. The ceremony took place in the blue room of the government building in Kinshasa.

Code minier annoté

The objective, according to the Minister, is to enable the public, in particular, to “assimilate the meaning of the scope of the amendments and innovations” contained in this revised law.

The Minister also recalled the six pillars that characterized the revision of the mining code. The role of the state and stakeholders in the administration of the mining code, the management of the mining field, the management of the mining title, social and environmental responsibility, transparency and good governance, and finally, the customs tax system…

The publication of this book is part of the continuation of the extension of the new mining code and its enforcement measures launched by the Ministry of Mines on November 6, 2019.

“We keep saying that our country is a geological scandal… all Congolese and all foreigners, potential investors, and those who have already invested in the mining sector, are therefore invited to appropriate this mining legislation” explains the Minister, whose work must be done for the transformation of these mineral resources into wealth.

To arrive at this appropriation in the minds of all the players in the sector, Willy Kitobo has, therefore, decided to organize the continuation of the extension campaign in the form of modules around six pillars namely:

  1. the administration of the mining code,
  2. the management of the mining field,
  3. the management of mining titles,
  4. transparency and good governance,
  5. environmental and social governance. ,
  6. the tax, customs and foreign exchange regime, and finally, artisanal exploitation. 
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