Tin price climbed to USD 26,555 per tonne last week 1Tin 

Tin price climbed to USD 26,555 per tonne last week

Tin maintained its upward trend that started a few weeks ago. According to projections by the National Mercurial Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, this ore traded around 26,555 USD per tonne against 25,899 USD per tonne last week, i.e., a positive price difference of 656 USD.

The same source noted that the majority of mining products exported from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) experienced an upward trend during the period from June 19 to 24, 2023.

The price per tonne of copper is expected to trade at USD 8,354 per tonne versus USD 8,294 per tonne last week, a positive price difference of USD 60.

Slightly higher last week, zinc was expected to trade at $2,390 per ton versus $2,302 per ton, up $83.

Silver ore experienced a slight increase last week to 0.78 USD per gram against 0.77 USD per gram the previous week, resulting in an increase of 0.01 USD.

Presented a while ago as the most important mineral of our era, cobalt had suffered quite a blow on international markets since last year. Last week, cobalt was expected to stagnate around USD 28,838 per tonne.


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