Twelve Congolese Companies Secure Subcontracting Deals with Kamoa Copper 1Mining in DRC Copper Mining Supply Tenders 

Twelve Congolese Companies Secure Subcontracting Deals with Kamoa Copper

Twelve Congolese companies have been granted subcontracting contracts with Kamoa Copper, a subsidiary of Ivanhoe Mines operating in Lualaba province.

This significant milestone is attributed to the diligent efforts of the Private Sector Subcontracting Regulatory Authority (ARSP).

During his visit to Lualaba province, Miguel Kashal participated in the signing of contracts between these subcontractors and Kamoa Copper.

He was accompanied by members of the ARSP Board of Directors, senior executives, and a strong delegation of entrepreneurs. The companies awarded the contracts include startups and local community members.

The ARSP Director General expressed satisfaction with this achievement.

“This is no longer just a story we tell; it is the reality we are experiencing more than 60 years after our country gained independence.

This is made possible through the political will of a worthy son of this country and Africa, Félix Tshisekedi, who is following in the footsteps of former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo and Nelson Mandela. Félix Tshisekedi will be remembered in history as the father of the economic independence of the DRC,” stated Miguel Kashal.

Kamoa Copper’s Managing Director, Mr. Vermeulen, commended the ARSP’s efforts to integrate local entrepreneurs into the value chain of the mining giant.

“Kamoa Copper supports entrepreneurship activities by publishing calls for tenders on the ARSP website and facilitating partnerships between local and international entrepreneurs.

We also promote technology transfer and local representation through business financing as prescribed by law,” explained Mr. Vermeulen.

He added, “Based on our work with the ARSP, our Chairman Robert Friedland received a medal at the beginning of the year in South Africa during the Indaba MINING event.”

Through this contract signing ceremony, Kamoa Copper demonstrates its commitment to the Government and the ARSP to foster a sustainable Congolese company with the necessary skills.

The twelve selected entrepreneurs stood out for their expertise, ambition, and ability to meet the high demands of the mining industry.

Their integration into Kamoa Copper’s subcontracting network opens new growth and collaboration opportunities, strengthening the ties between the mining sector and the Congolese entrepreneurial ecosystem.


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