U.S. Strengthens Partnership with DRC to Enhance Mineral Processing at UN General Assembly 1Mining in DRC Copper Governance 

U.S. Strengthens Partnership with DRC to Enhance Mineral Processing at UN General Assembly

During the 79th United Nations General Assembly, Félix Tshisekedi met with José W. Fernandez, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment.

The meeting, which took place on Monday, included the Congolese Minister of Mines, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gécamines, and a delegation from Buenassa, the company spearheading a project to construct a copper and cobalt refinery in Lualaba province.

Mr. Fernandez reiterated the United States’ interest in investing in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to foster a local industry for processing strategic minerals, including coltan, cobalt, lithium, and copper.

He highlighted the importance of international partnerships to bolster critical mineral supply chains essential for the global energy transition.

Additionally, discussions encompassed a roundtable organized in collaboration with Foreign Policy to explore sustainable solutions for these supply chains.

The Under Secretary assured President Tshisekedi of the U.S. commitment to support local processing initiatives amid rising Western interest in Congolese resources.

In June, the U.S. government announced a $2 million investment to expand a copper and cobalt processing plant in Likasi, emphasizing Washington’s dedication to enhancing the resilience and sustainability of the Congolese mining sector.

Furthermore, the United States expressed concerns regarding conflict conditions linked to illicit mineral exploitation in eastern DRC, where the gold and tantalum trade finances armed groups.

The U.S. State Department has advocated for increased transparency in supply chains, urging companies to adopt due diligence practices to avoid sourcing minerals that may contribute to human rights abuses.

This engagement reflects a broader strategy in which both the European Union and the United States view the DRC as a vital player in the global energy transition, highlighting the need for strengthened collaboration to ensure the ethical and sustainable exploitation of Congolese mineral resources.


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