Zambia and TradeMark Africa Enhance Nakonde Border Post 1Mining in Zambia Transport and Logistics 

Zambia and TradeMark Africa Enhance Nakonde Border Post

In a significant effort to bolster cross-border trade between Zambia and Tanzania, the Government of Zambia and TradeMark Africa (TMA) have officially handed over the site for upgrading the Nakonde border into a One-Stop Border Post (OSBP) to the contractor.

This marks the commencement of extensive improvement works aimed at alleviating congestion and facilitating smoother trade flows along the crucial Dar es Salaam Corridor.

The ceremony, attended by representatives from the Zambian and UK governments, TradeMark Africa, and the contracted construction firm, underscores the collaborative nature of this pivotal project, funded by the UK government with an investment of approximately £8.4 million.

The upgrade of the Nakonde border post is set to revolutionize operations at one of Zambia’s busiest cargo entry and exit points, essential for transporting crucial goods such as food, fuel, and fertilizers.

Enhancements include upgrading internal roads within the OSBP, expanding the truck parking yard, constructing additional office buildings and warehouses, and installing a state-of-the-art x-ray cargo scanner.

Moreover, the project will digitalize clearance processes and introduce smart gates, aiming to reduce truck dwell times from 64 hours to less than 10 hours—an impressive 84% reduction.

This substantial decrease in clearance times is expected to significantly mitigate delays and operational costs for businesses, thereby enhancing trade efficiency and fostering economic growth in the region.

The site handover follows the signing of a Partner Support Agreement (PSA) between the Government of Zambia and TradeMark Africa earlier this year, cementing their joint commitment to enhancing border operations.

Jovin Mwemezi, Director Southern Africa at TMA, emphasized the project’s importance, stating, “This milestone underscores our collaborative efforts to facilitate seamless trade not only between Tanzania and Zambia but also along the Central Corridor.

We are pleased to partner with the UK and Zambian governments in implementing this critical trade facilitation initiative, which holds the potential to catalyze regional trade and promote intra-regional commerce.”

Aligned with TMA’s broader initiatives to streamline trade across Africa—with over 15 OSBPs established in East Africa resulting in an average 70% reduction in border crossing times—the Nakonde project aims to deepen trade ties between Zambia and its neighbors significantly.

Leveraging Zambia’s strategic position as a land-linked country reliant on regional ports and corridors for international trade, the upgraded border post is poised to enhance Zambia’s competitiveness and stimulate economic development.

Andrew Njelesani, the Provincial Infrastructure Officer for Muchinga Province in northern Zambia, urged the contractor to expedite civil works to swiftly deliver increased efficiency and enhanced clearance processes to traders and border users.

He remarked, “As we hand over the site to the contractor, we urge them to expedite civil works so that traders and border users can benefit from enhanced border efficiency and clearance processes.

This will be a game-changer for our economy, reducing delays and boosting trade operations between Zambia and our neighbors.”

Following the successful UK-funded upgrade of the Tunduma OSBP on the Tanzanian side—featuring x-ray cargo scanners that reduced cargo processing time by 40%—the Nakonde OSBP upgrade is expected to further streamline trade operations along the Dar es Salaam Corridor.

These initiatives illustrate the positive outcomes of international cooperation and investment in regional trade infrastructure, promising a more integrated and efficient trade environment for Zambia and the broader region.


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