Zambia: UPND Government to find competent investor to take over KCM- Mines Minister 1Mining Companies Mining in Zambia 

Zambia: UPND Government to find competent investor to take over KCM- Mines Minister

Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Paul Kabuswe has said that the UPND Government will find a competent investor, to take over Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) on the Copperbelt once the liquidation process of the mine comes to an end.

Addressing KCM workers, who wrote a petition to President Hakainde Hichilema, Mr. Kabuswe said consultations are underway on which investor will take over the mining giant.

The Mines Minister said Government is aware of the operational challenges that resulted in ruining the welfare of thousands of workers and their families.

He added that the new Dawn government will not subject Zambians to suffer once a new investor takes over KCM.

Mr. KABUSWE assured KCM workers that Government will address their problems starting with the issue of salary increments.
Meanwhile, some KCM workers who took turns complaining to the Mines Minister about their problems appealed to Government to immediately conclude the liquidation process of KCM.

Jeremiah Konkola told the Minister that the liquidation process of KCM has taken too long to be completed.

Mr. Konkola said under the liquidation of KCM, workers have not had a pay rise adding that their salaries are not sufficient to meet their family needs.

Another employee, Sudden Chembe expressed confidence that the UPND Government will soon find an investor who will take over KCM.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kabuswe has urged mining companies to invest more in their operations and unlock the potential of their sites in the wake of favourable policies under the new dawn administration.

Mr. Kabuswe says mining companies in the country should step up mining activities and ramp up production.
The Minister says this is in tandem with the United Party for National Development -UPND’s aspirations to produce 3-million tonnes of copper in ten years.

Mr. Kabuswe who is also Chililabombwe Member of Parliament said this during a tour of Lubambe Copper Mines where he also met with management and staff of the mining firm.

He explained that ramping up production will help the country to earn more revenue which is critical to supporting the economy and communities.

Mr. Kabuswe has also urged mining companies to step up efforts to support the communities they operate in for residents to benefit from the mineral wealth.

He said government will continue supporting the mines for the benefit of Zambians.

Mr. Kabuswe urged management at Lubambe to help build housing units in Chililabombwe to stop the trend of ferrying workers to and from other nearby districts where they live.

The minister later held a meeting with workers who are concerned about short term contracts from some contractors, as well as disparities in salaries.

And in response, Mr. Kabuswe said government will resolve the issue of contracts with the contractors and urged management to harmonise salaries for Zambians and expatriates.

And Lubambe Mine Chief Executive Officer, Tim Duffy thanked Mr. Kabuswe for the advice and counsel.

Mr. Duffy said management is encouraged by the new dawn administration’s accessibility which he described as refreshing.


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