Zambia's Minister of Mines Highlights Commitment to Sustainable Exploration & Mining 1Mining in Zambia Copper Events & Expos Exploration 

Zambia’s Minister of Mines Highlights Commitment to Sustainable Exploration & Mining

Zambia, like many countries, is navigating the transition towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. In this context, the demand for critical minerals is anticipated to increase.

To address this forthcoming shift, the Zambian government has undertaken a series of policy adaptations aimed at fostering a sustainable mining industry.

This commitment was delivered in a speech by Gerald Mwila, representing Hon. Paul C. Kabuswe, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, during the 16th Annual Explorer’s Forum.

The forum was held under the theme “Improving Exploration to Develop Sustainable Mining of Future Minerals,” which serves as a testament to the government’s dedication to the Three Million Tonnes Production Strategy.

The Minister emphasized that one of the key elements in this endeavor is the establishment of stable and predictable mineral royalty rates.

This provides a secure investment climate, inviting both local and international investors to engage in exploration activities with confidence.

Hon. Kabuswe stated that sustainability extends beyond financial matters, as it encompasses the holistic development of local communities.

Here, exploration projects can play a pivotal role by creating opportunities for these communities through advanced mining activities.

The focus also remains on eliminating wasteful mining practices, particularly within areas recognized for their mineral resources or reserves.

Encouraging sustainable exploration for future minerals concurrently promotes the involvement of local businesses in the supply of goods and services.

An essential aspect of any successful mining endeavor hinges on geological information obtained through exploration activities.

Hon. Kabuswe added that to reinforce this foundation, the government, in collaboration with the Geological Survey Department, plans to initiate a nationwide, high-resolution aerial geophysical survey in 2024. This survey aims to support advanced exploration projects in proximity to established mineral resources.

In addition, the government is working to facilitate the implementation of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Miners Formalization Program, set to commence in 2024.

To further boost exploration and mining, the government has recently reviewed its fiscal and regulatory framework to attract significant investments effectively.

Aerial geophysical surveys will serve as a powerful tool for obtaining geological data even in challenging terrains, including unmapped and hard-to-reach areas, such as the Western Province of Zambia, where outcroppings are scarce.

Besides this, the Minister stated that formalizing artisanal and small-scale miners holds great potential to enhance their contribution to the mainstream mining sector.

The immense investment opportunities linked to mapping Zambia’s full mineral potential are at the forefront of our objectives. The government actively seeks partnerships to conduct comprehensive mapping, working at a 1:100,000 scale, and undertaking geophysical and drilling works in areas of interest.

In a bid to further bolster this endeavor, the government is exploring a regional approach to attract investments, leveraging Zambia’s strategic geographical location and its longstanding mining relationships with neighboring countries.

Hon. Kabuswe stressed that the government remains steadfast in its commitment to creating favorable conditions for the growth of the exploration sector, with a particular emphasis on transitioning exploration efforts into active mining operations.

He therefore, encouraged the various mining exploration companies present to consider augmenting their budgets for exploration activities. Such initiatives will be instrumental in achieving our goal of Three Million Tonnes per year by 2030.


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