Zambia's Transport Minister Announces Negotiations to Revitalize TAZARA Railway Line 1Mining in Zambia Transport and Logistics 

Zambia’s Transport Minister Announces Negotiations to Revitalize TAZARA Railway Line

Positive developments are underway for the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority (TAZARA). Zambian Transport and Logistics Minister Frank Tayali announced that negotiations to revitalize TAZARA are expected to conclude by September 2024.

This milestone will pave the way for a concessionaire agreement with China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) to recapitalize the railway authority.

The announcement was made during a meeting titled “Revitalize TAZARA, Promoting China-Africa Cooperation.” This collaboration aims to breathe new life into TAZARA and enhance its role in regional cargo transportation.

According to Tayali, finalizing negotiations by September will allow for the signing of the agreement with CCECC. This is a significant step forward, as CCECC has pledged substantial investment to rehabilitate the railway line and replace TAZARA’s wagons.

CCECC Vice President Wang Xiangdong confirmed the company’s commitment to significant financial contributions. These funds will be directed towards modernizing the railway infrastructure and upgrading the TAZARA wagon fleet.

This investment is expected to improve TAZARA’s operational efficiency and enable it to better handle the rising demand for cargo transportation within the region.

Bruno Ching’andu, Managing Director of TAZARA, highlighted the critical role this capital injection will play. The lack of sufficient funding has been a major obstacle to TAZARA’s smooth operations. With CCECC’s investment, TAZARA can overcome this hurdle and unlock its full potential as a key regional trade artery.

TAZARA’s restoration offers exciting prospects for Zambia, Tanzania, and the wider region. A modernized and efficient railway infrastructure can considerably improve regional trade by facilitating the smooth transit of goods. This can result in economic growth, job creation, and enhanced prosperity for all parties involved.

The September deadline for concluding discussions is a positive step forward, but important questions remain. The precise details of the concessionaire contract with CCECC, as well as the scope of the rehabilitation project, will be key factors to monitor in the coming months.

Overall, there is optimism for the future of this historic railway line. Through sustained cooperation among Tanzania, Zambia, and China,

TAZARA has the potential to evolve into a cutting-edge and efficient transportation corridor, significantly contributing to the economic growth of the surrounding region.


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