ZCCM-IH Chairperson's Resignation Raises Concerns for Zambia's Mining Interests 1Mining in Zambia Mining Personality 

ZCCM-IH Chairperson’s Resignation Raises Concerns for Zambia’s Mining Interests

The resignation of Dolika Banda, Chairperson of ZCCM-IH, has caused disappointment and concern among shareholders and stakeholders in Zambia’s mining industry. Banda’s departure has raised questions about the future of ZCCM-IH and the country’s mining interests.

“As shareholders of ZCCM-IH, we have witnessed Banda’s exceptional professionalism and competence, as well as her unwavering commitment to lead the company forward and defend the interests of the mining sector. Her resignation has come at a critical time when crucial issues such as KCM and Mopani are still underway,” said Thierry Charles, spokesperson for minority shareholders of ZCCM-IH.

Rumours circulating in the press and social media suggest that excessive political interference may have played a role in Banda’s decision to resign. The news has been met with disappointment, and many are concerned that her departure may signal a significant setback for Zambia’s mining sector.

“We understand her frustration and thank her for all she has done for ZCCM-IH over the past year,” stressed Mr. Thierry. “As minority shareholders, we will remain vigilant in safeguarding ZCCM-IH’s interests and ensuring that the company continues to operate in the best interest of all stakeholders.”

Banda’s resignation has once again highlighted the challenges facing Zambia’s mining industry, which has been struggling to attract investment amid a challenging economic climate. It remains to be seen who will replace her and how the company will navigate the complex issues it faces in the coming months.


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