Gilbert Kankonde to settle disputes between Kibali Gold Mines and local communities in Watsa 1Mining in DRC Gold 

Gilbert Kankonde to settle disputes between Kibali Gold Mines and local communities in Watsa

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior, Security and Customary Affairs, Gilbert Kankonde arrived Tuesday, September 1 in Watsa, a mining town located in the province of Haut-Uélé. His mission follows in particular the disputes between the local population and the company Kibali Gold Mines which have provoked violence on many occasions.

Since last June, the populations of Watsa and Durba have been calling, among other things, for the immediate reopening of mining quarries closed by the authorities in the Mangbutu sector which would be the operating perimeter of Kibali Gold Mines.

”I know that there were small clashes here between this company and the local population. we come to realize the relations that exist between the two parties, it must be harmonious relations. the company must shine in its environment and must contribute to improving the well being of the populations who live on their land here. we will examine this issue,” Gilbert Kankonde told the press.

The last violent demonstrations were organized on July 29 in Watsa and Durba. Clashes had opposed the demonstrators to the police.


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